Up and running with a trained, confident, multilingual concierge voicebot in just 5 days!
Would you also like to save agent time by using intelligent voicebots to communicate with your customers without compromising on your customer experience? Do you still have reservations or don’t know how/where to start? Then join us as we dive deep with our customer, Helsana, who got up and running with a voicebot trial in just 5 days!
The webinar was on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 10:00 am. All presentations were in German.
Watch the recording
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In the webinar presentation, Patrick Angehrn, Product Owner, Realtime Interaction Management, from Helsana explained how he worked with Bucher + Suter to develop a concierge voicebot in a trial that meets all the requirements of the leading health and accident insurer – and even understands Swiss German! You’ll learn how you can make a concrete start in the voicebox future, what you need to consider, and how quickly you, too, can test AI to identify the potential of AI in your company.
What was in store for you in this webinar?
Bucher + Suter delivers contact center AI securely, at a pace matched to your requirements, and enables a new kind of customer service. Our customers save significant costs, reduce menial work, increase their contact center KPIs, and create a 24/7 service experience. We are a close partner of the global AI pacemaker Cognigy, with one of the most experienced and largest CAI teams, including 120 contact center specialists and over 25 years of experience with contact centers.
We’ll help you get started and scale at your pace!
In a recent edition of the Swiss magazine, CMM360, we reported on our experiences from what might be the largest Conversational AI project. We now automate 15 million customer dialogs per year in 17 countries for a customer using voicebot technology and were able to reduce the average handling time (AHT) by 27%.
Find out more about what is probably the largest conversational AI in our case study.